Wall Street Journal + Browser

Step-by-Step setup instructions to access the Wall Street Journal website (wsj.com) through a web browser

Step 1: Create Your 10-day Wall Street Journal Account

  1. Using a web browser (Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, etc.), navigate to: https://steamboatlibrary.marmot.org/MyAccount/WSJ
  2. Enter your last name and library card number in the fields provided. Click “Login.”
  3. You will be given the option to create a Wall Street Journal account. If you already have an account, opt to “Sign In,” otherwise fill in the fields to create an account and select “Create.”
  4. Follow the prompts to access wsj.com

Step 2: Accessing WSJ.com

  1. You only need to create an account once to access the Wall Street Journal, but you will need to return to https://steamboatlibrary.marmot.org/MyAccount/WSJ to gain access after 10 days has elapsed.