Uranium Drive-In

Uranium Drive-In

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm
  • Library Hall

An intimate portrait of the American West and the effects of its nuclear industry

Conversations about the pros and cons of nuclear energy are taking place everywhere as we look for alternatives to carbon-based fuel — but what about the dilemmas faced along the road of mining uranium to processing to nuclear energy? A new film by Bag It's Suzan Beraza, Uranium Drive-In follows a proposed uranium mill in southwestern Colorado—the first to be built in the U.S. in 30 years—and the emotional debate pitting a population desperate for jobs and financial stability against an environmental group based in nearby a resort town. Without judgment, both sides of the issue are brought to life in heart-wrenching detail as the film follows conflicting opinions and visions for the future.

Uranium Drive-In illustrates the questions individuals face when determining how to best preserve one’s community for future generations, and offers a springboard for national debate about rural poverty, economic development issues, environmental concerns and nuclear energy. The film offers no easy answers but aims instead to capture personal stories and paint a portrait of the lives behind this nuanced and complex issue.

Run time: 70 min.